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Bold and Blunt

Oct 31, 2023

The thousands in America who were fired from their jobs for refusing to take the experimental Covid shots are heroes. Why? They stood strong for American principles at a time when the Americans in power cared little for principles. Common sense, under Covid, flew the coop and instead, fear became the guiding factor...

Oct 26, 2023

Parenting In Times of Technology Perils

It's hard enough to parent properly these days without all the pitfalls that technology offers children. Pornography's everywhere; social media sells rot; movies offer violence as amusement; and the entire world of gaming seems focused on turning children into badly behaving...

Oct 24, 2023

Democrats say they have the best interests of women and children at heart, but how can that be when their most consistent fight is one that undervalues the role of motherhood while outright killing God's creations? Babies are not political tools to gain votes; abortion is not a private choice between a woman and...

Oct 19, 2023

It's more than Republicans versus Democrats out there. We're in a battle for the good of this nation -- against the evil that wants to totally undo this nation. It's more a spiritual war than a political battle that's dividing Americans on so harsh of lines, and once we realize that without God, the war cannot be won,...

Oct 17, 2023

If this White House weren't so weak, then Hamas terrorists wouldn't have risen up when they did, breached Israel's boundaries, and abducted and murdered hundreds. But when the president of the United States can't barely stand and walk by himself, the evil forces of the world take notice and plot ways to exploit...